Sunday, March 31, 2024

CTTC Regular Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, April 2nd

 Remember our next regular monthly CTTC meeting is Tuesday, April 2nd. Lots of prizes will be given away! We'll also reveal the Silver Dollar Treasure Hunt #2 site for all Members who attend, we'll set a date for this year's April Surprise Hunt, we'll get the ball rolling for our annual CTTC Open Hunt in October by ordering coins for our fund-raising CTTC Gold Coin Raffle and preparing Hunt flyers/registration forms. This meeting will be Members' last chance to contribute a few of their best finds for our second CTTC display for the Brownwood Public Library so clean those finds up and turn them in to our Co-Huntmaster Caiden Tyler at the meeting. Visitors are always welcome and invited to attend our monthly meetings!

Jay Longley, President, Central Texas Treasure Club

Facebook group - 

We'll be giving away one of these new Treasure Wise 3-in-1 Digging Knives at Tuesday's meeting.  These are the best digging tools in the world!  I've used mine since 1982.

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Welcome Our New Members - Friou & Alvis!

  We've had 2 new dues-paid Central Texas Treasure Club Members join our Club since the last regular monthly meeting! Please join me in...