Tuesday, February 27, 2024

                                IMPORTANT REMINDER

When you applied to be a Member of the Central Texas Treasure Club, you promised to abide by the Metal Detecting Code of Ethics and Club Rules and By-Laws! One of our most important Club Rules is that digging with SHOVELS is forbidden in public areas and on public land. This applies to the CTTC Silver Dollar Treasure Hunt site which is ON PUBLIC LAND. Members caught violating any of these rules or the Code of Ethics will be subject to club restrictions and possible banning from our Club! All CTTC prize tokens are always buried less than 2 inches beneath the surface so there is absolutely no need to dig a hole the size of a dinner plate and make a mess. They can all be found using nothing bigger than a digging knife or trowel.
Now for the good news! I sweetened the pot for our Silver Dollar Treasure Hunt by adding a few new tokens today so if you are one of the eligible Members participating in this Hunt, save any coins or tokens that look different from what you'd expect to find in the area. These special tokens and the Silver Dollar Prize Token may be redeemed at our March 5th meeting. Also, any Members who missed the February meeting and so were not eligible to participate in this Hunt will become eligible IF they attend the March meeting.
If you find the Silver Dollar Prize Token, please call me immediately so I can notify other eligible Members that it's been found. 325-646-1000 (No Text)
Our next regular monthly CTTC meeting will be held Tuesday, March 5th at 6:30 p.m. at the old Early Chamber of Commerce Bldg. at 104 E. Industrial Blvd. in Early, Texas.  Free snacks are available, nice Door Prizes will be given away, and visitors are always invited and encouraged to attend!

Jay Longley, President, Central Texas Treasure Club

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Central Texas Treasure Club Meeting Tonight! Tuesday, February 6th.

This is your reminder to attend our Central Texas Treasure Club's regular monthly meeting tonight. As always, we'll meet at 6:30 p.m. at the old Early Chamber of Commerce Bldg. at 104 E. Industrial Blvd. in Early. If you want to compete for the beautiful BU 1921 Morgan silver dollar, you will need to attend this meeting to receive a treasure map and clues and to be eligible to win this great prize! Only dues-paid Members who attend this meeting will be allowed to redeem the prize token for the silver dollar.

Immediately after the meeting, Ronnie Lappe, Brownwood attorney and Brown County historian, will give a program. Visitors are always invited and welcome to attend our meetings. Free snacks are available!
See you tonight!
Jay Longley, President, Central Texas Treasure Club 

October 12th CTTC Open Hunt Prizes Rolling In!

Prizes are continuously rolling in the door! This digital microscope was donated by BROWNWOOD'S BETTER DAYS . Your go-to Facebook group...